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A Study on Time & Change in Contemporary Space Design -Their Perceptual.Cognitive Bases and Alfordances on Human Behavior-  

이정민 (홍익대학교 디자인공예학과 공간디자인)
임진이 (한국재활복지대학 생활환경디자인과)
Publication Information
Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal / v., no.41, 2003 , pp. 246-255 More about this Journal
All art forms are the results of the artist's response to the philosophical, sociological, and cultural tendencies of the period in which the artist lives. Post-modern period differentiates itself from Modern period in many aspects. One of these is the emphasis on phenomena which are ephemeral and changing. This paper looks at the perceptive and cognitive bases of these expressions of change in space design and their affordances on human behavior The first chapter provides the purpose and the background of the research. It studies the philosophical, sociological and cultural characteristics of the Post-modern era which bring forth expressions of time & change in space design. The second chapter explains two basic approaches which can be applied to the perception and cognition of the environment. The third chapter deals with the perceptional and cognitive bases, and the human affordances of the expressions of change in space design. Finally this paper will analyze the types of space design which show this tendency : change by the technology, change by the participation of viewers, and change by the natural and chance. In each type, there will be analyses of examples. this will lead us to the understanding of how the space design including time & change expresses the spirit of the age and how it can play positive roles in human psychology.
시간성;변화;지각 . 인지적 역할;
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  • Reference
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