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Korean Part-Of-Speech Tagging by using Head-Tail Tokenization  

Suh, Hyun-Jae (국민대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
Kim, Jung-Min (국민대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
Kang, Seung-Shik (국민대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
Publication Information
Smart Media Journal / v.11, no.5, 2022 , pp. 17-25 More about this Journal
Korean part-of-speech taggers decompose a compound morpheme into unit morphemes and attach part-of-speech tags. So, here is a disadvantage that part-of-speech for morphemes are over-classified in detail and complex word types are generated depending on the purpose of the taggers. When using the part-of-speech tagger for keyword extraction in deep learning based language processing, it is not required to decompose compound particles and verb-endings. In this study, the part-of-speech tagging problem is simplified by using a Head-Tail tokenization technique that divides only two types of tokens, a lexical morpheme part and a grammatical morpheme part that the problem of excessively decomposed morpheme was solved. Part-of-speech tagging was attempted with a statistical technique and a deep learning model on the Head-Tail tokenized corpus, and the accuracy of each model was evaluated. Part-of-speech tagging was implemented by TnT tagger, a statistical-based part-of-speech tagger, and Bi-LSTM tagger, a deep learning-based part-of-speech tagger. TnT tagger and Bi-LSTM tagger were trained on the Head-Tail tokenized corpus to measure the part-of-speech tagging accuracy. As a result, it showed that the Bi-LSTM tagger performs part-of-speech tagging with a high accuracy of 99.52% compared to 97.00% for the TnT tagger.
Part-Of-Speech Tagging; Head-Tail Tokenization; TnT Tagger; Bi-LSTM Tagger;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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