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Molecular Mechanism of Plant Immune Response  

Kwon Tack-Min (Division of Molecular Biotechnology, Dong-A University)
Nam Jae-Sung (Division of Molecular Biotechnology, Dong-A University)
Publication Information
Journal of Plant Biotechnology / v.32, no.2, 2005 , pp. 73-83 More about this Journal
Disease resistance in plants is often controlled by gene-for-gene mechanism in which avirulence (avr) gene products encoding by pathogens are specifically recognized, either directly or indirectly by plant disease resistance (R) gene products and sequential signal transduction pathways activating defense responses are rapidly triggered. As a results, not only exhibit a resistance against invading pathogens but also plants maintain the systemic acquired resistance (SAR) to various other pathogens. This molecular interaction between pathogen and plant is commonly compared to innate immune system of animal. Recent studies arising from molecular characterization of a number of R genes from various plant species that confer resistance to different pathogens and corresponding avr genes from various pathogens resulted in the accumulation of a wealth of knowledge on molecular mechanism of gene-for-gene interaction. Furthermore, new technologies of genomics and proteomics make it possible to monitor the genome-wide gene regulation and protein modification during activation of disease resistance, expanding our ability to understand the plant immune response and develop new crops resistant to biotic stress.
avr gene; plant immune response; R gene; SAR;
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