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Histochemical Study of the Intestinal Mucosubstances in Sebastes schlegeli, Halichoeres poecilopterus, Bryzoichthys lysimus and Takifugu pardalis  

Jeong Cil-Nam (Department of Biology Education, Pusan National University)
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Journal of Life Science / v.15, no.5, 2005 , pp. 707-714 More about this Journal
The conventional histochemical staining were used to study mucosubstances properties of intestinal striated border and goblet cells in four teleostean species, i. e., Sebastes schlegeli, Halichoeres poecilopterus, Bryzoichthys lysimus, and Takifugu pardalis. The following methods were used; PAS, AB pH 2.5, AB pH 1.0, AB pH 2.5-PAS, AF pH 1.7-AB pH 2.5 and HID-AB pH 2.5 stains. The mucosubstances of striated border in the proximal intestine and rectum of Sebastes schlegeli contained with neutral mucin, middle and distal intestine contained with neutral mucin and acid mucin. The striated border of all the intestines of Halichoeres poecilopterus contained with neutral mucin and acid mucin, and those of Bryzoichthys lysimus and Tnkifugu pardalis contained with neutral mucin only. The amounts of neutral mucin were moderate to considerable in Sebastes schlegeli and Halichoeres poecilopterus, minimal to small in Bryzoichthys lysimus and Tnkifugu pardalis. The amounts and properties in mucosubstances of intestinal goblet cells showed differences in species and regions. The intestinal goblet cells of Bryzoichthys lysimus, and Tnkifugu pardalis contained neutral mucin only while Sehastes schlegeli and Halichoeres poecilopterus contained mixture of neutral mucin, sulfomucin and sialomucin. The amounts of neutral mucin were considerable to large in distal intestine and rectum of Tnkifugu pardalis, while moderate to considerable in all intestines of Sehastes schlegeli, all the intestines except for middle intestine of Bryzoichthys lysimus, and proximal and middle intestine of Tnkifugu pardalis. Also it was minimal to small in middle intestine of Halichoeres poecilopterus. The intestinal goblet cells of Sehastes schlegeli contained mixture of minimal amounts of strong sulfmucin, weak sulfomucin and minimal to small amounts of sialomucin, and those of Halichoeres poecilopterus except for rectum contained mixture of minimal to small amounts of strong sulfomucin and sialomucin.
Intestine; Mucosubstances; Fishes; Coblet cells;
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