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Dimensions of Smart Tourism and Its Levels: An Integrative Literature Review  

Otowicz, Marcelo Henrique (Department of Knowledge Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina)
Macedo, Marcelo (Department of Knowledge Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina)
Biz, Alexandre Augusto (Department of Knowledge Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina)
Publication Information
Journal of Smart Tourism / v.2, no.1, 2022 , pp. 5-19 More about this Journal
Smart tourism is seen as a revolution in the tourism industry, involving innovative and transformative theoretical-practical approaches for the sector. As a result of its application in the tourist context, benefits can be seen such as more sustainable practices, greater mobility and better accessibility in destinations, evolution of processes and experiences of tourists. Much of this is achieved through the support of technological solutions. However, despite the immense expectations, and the many researches carried out on it, a literature summary regarding the dimensions that can be observed in each application of this smart tourism has not yet been proposed. Therefore, supported by the PRISMA recommendation, this research proposed to carry out an integrative review of the literature on smart tourism (in its different levels of application, such as the city, the destination and the smart tourism region), with the objective of mapping the dimensions that underlie it. Thus, from an initial scope of 833 intellectual productions obtained, inputs were found for the dimensions in 363 of them after a thorough analysis. The compilation of data obtained from these productions supported the proposition of 14 operational dimensions of smart tourism, namely: collaboration, technology, sustainability, experience, accessibility, knowledge management, innovation management, human capital, marketing, customized services, transparency, safety, governance and mobility. With this set of dimensions, it is envisaged that the implementation of smart tourism projects can present more comprehensive and assertive results. In addition, shortcomings and opportunities for new research that support the evolution of the theory and practice of smart tourism are highlighted.
smart tourism; smart tourism business; smart tourism city; smart tourism destination; smart tourism ecosystem; smart tourism region; smart tourist; PRISMA;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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