An Easy Seedling Method to Screen Resistance of Powdery Mildew of Barley and Wheat |
Park, Jong-Chul
(Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA)
Park, Chul-Soo (Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA) Kim, Mi-Jung (Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA) Kim, Yang-Kil (Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA) Lee, Mi-Ja (Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA) Park, Ki-Hoon (Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA) Noh, Tae-Hwan (Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA) |
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