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Gray Mold of Primula Caused by Botrytis cinerea  

권진혁 (경상남도농업기술원)
박창석 (경상대학교 농과대학)
Publication Information
Research in Plant Disease / v.8, no.1, 2002 , pp. 66-69 More about this Journal
In February of 2002, the gray mold disease occurred severely on primular(primular spp.) grown in a flower nursery farm in Jinju, Korea. At first, the infected leaves were discolored to gray or dark from the tip and gradually expanded to die. The fungus attacked not only leaves but petals, calyx flower stalk and stems. Conidia of the fungus in mass were hyaline or gray, 1-celled, mostly ellipsoid or ovoid and sized 6.8~16.9$\times$4.6~12.4 $\mu$m. Conidiophores were wide of 15.9~31.6$\mu$m in size. The sclerotia were readily formed potato-dextrose agar and optimum temperature far sclerotial formation was 2$0^{\circ}C$. Pathogenecity of the causal organism was and preyed according to Koch\`s postulate. The causal organism was identified as Botrytis cinerea based on mycological characteristics. This is the first report on gray mold of primula caused by Botrytis cinerea in Korea.
Botrytis cinerea; gray mold; primula;
Citations & Related Records
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  • Reference
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