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A taxonomic study of the genus Fimbristylis Vahl (Cyperaceae) in Korea  

KIM, Jonghwan (Department of Biological Sciences, Chonbuk National University)
KIM, Muyeol (Department of Biological Sciences, Chonbuk National University)
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy / v.48, no.4, 2018 , pp. 301-330 More about this Journal
A morphological study of Korean Fimbristylis was conducted in order to clarify the taxonomical position and scientific names among species. It was determined that the anther size and style length are important characteristics for the species-level identification of Fimbristylis. It was confirmed that Fimbristylis ovata (Burm.f.) J. Kern, which is recorded in the literature but which has no sampling specimens in Korea, grows on the grassland on Marado Island. According to this study, the genus Fimbristylis in Korea is classified into a total of 21 taxa, including four sections, nineteen species, and two varieties.
Fimbristylis; taxonomic revision; Cyperaceae; Cyperoideae;
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  • Reference
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