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A test of the hybrid origin of Korean endemic Sedum latiovalifolium (Crassulaceae)  

Yoo, Young-Gi (Department of Biology, Kyungnam University)
Park, Ki-Ryong (Department of Urban Environmental Engineering, Kyungnam University)
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy / v.46, no.4, 2016 , pp. 378-391 More about this Journal
Eighteen morphological characters from 40 populations and ten isozyme loci from 35 populations of Sedum latiovalifolium and related species were examined to investigate the degree of morphological and genetic variation. The high-frequency marker alleles $MDH-2^a$ and $PGI-1^a$ in S. aizoon, S. kamtschaticum, and S. zokuriense did not appear in the populations of S. latiovalifolium. In addition, the high-frequency allele ($MDH-2^c$) in S. latiovalifolium appeared at a very low frequency in other subg. aizoon species. Thus, the isozyme data did not support a hybrid origin of S. latiovalifolium from S. aizoon with S. kamtschaticum. The results of an unweighted pair-group method using the arithmetic average method and a principal components analysis using morphological data also did not support a hybrid origin of S. latiovalifolium. However, our data strongly suggest that some individuals from the populations found in the Gumdaebong area were most likely hybrids due to introgression between S. latiovalifolium and S. kamtschaticum or S. aizoon and S. kamtschaticum.
Sedum latiovalifolium; hybrid origin; Crassulaceae;
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  • Reference
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