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ITS Sequence Variations in Populations of Ilex cornuta (Aquifoliaceae)  

Son, Sung-won (Department of Biology, Yeungnam University)
Kim, Joo-Hwan (Department of Life Science, Daejeon University)
Kim, Yong-Shik (Faculty of Natural Resources, Yeungnam University)
Park, Seon-Joo (Department of Biology, Yeungnam University)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy / v.37, no.2, 2007 , pp. 131-141 More about this Journal
Genetic variation of Ilex cornuta Lindley et Paxton was examined by sequence analyses of ITS for 65 individuals from Korea and China. The length of ITS 1 ranged from 253 to 259 bp. The 5.8S was 159 bp and ITS2 was observed to be 231 bp. A total of 8 different ITS types (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism haplotypes), which showed the difference of 1 - 6 bp, were detected from 65 individuals. The sequence polymorphisms of ITS appeared at 9 different sites. All of four individuals collected at Daejeong-eup in Jeju-do exhibited different types, but all individuals from Naju-si and Muan-gun in Jeollanam-do were identical. The variation of ITS was higher in Jeju-do population than in inland population. Since I. cornuta contains various types of ITS sequences, ITS analyses will provide important information on genetic diversity and conservation of this species.
genetic variation; habitat conservation; ITS typs; SNP Haplotype;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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