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Analysis of Pollutant Characteristics in Nakdong River using Confirmatory Factor Modeling  

Kim, Mi-Ah (Water Quality Control Center, National Institute of Environmental Research)
Kang, Taegu (Water Quality Control Center, National Institute of Environmental Research)
Lee, Hyuk (Water Quality Control Center, National Institute of Environmental Research)
Shin, Yuna (Water Quality Control Center, National Institute of Environmental Research)
Kim, Kyunghyun (Water Quality Control Center, National Institute of Environmental Research)
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The study was conducted to analyze the spatio-temporal changes in water quality of the major 36 sampling stations of Nakdong River, depending on each station, season using the 17 water quality variables from 2000 to 2010. The result was verified to interpret the characteristics of water quality variables in a more accurate manners. According to the Principal component analysis (PCA) and Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) results; the results of these analyses were identified 4 factors, Factor 1 (nutrients) included the concentrations of T-N, T-P, $NO_{3}-N$, $PO_{4}-P$, DTN, DTP for sampling station and season, Factor 2 (organic pollutants) included the concentrations of BOD, COD, Chl-a, Factor 3 (microbes) included the concentrations of F.Coli, T.Coli, and Factor 4 (others) included the concentrations of pH, DO. The results of a Cluster analysis indicated that Geumhogang 6 was the most contaminated site, while tributaries and most of the down stream sites of Nakdong River were mainly affected by each nutrients (Factor 1) and organic pollutants (Factor 2). The verification consequence of Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) from Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) result can be summarized as follows: we could find additional relations between variables besides the structure from EFA, which we obtained through the second-order final modeling adopted in CFA. Nutrients had the biggest impact on water pollution for each sampling station and season. In particular, It was analyzed that P-series pollutant should be controlled during spring and winter and N-series pollutant should be controlled during summer and fall.
Cluster analysis; Confirmatory factor analysis; Factor model; Nakdong River;
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  • Reference
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