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Conflict Management and Turnover Intention: Multi-level Curvilinearity and the Moderating Role of Trust in Leader  

Kim, Cheolyoung (Institute of Industrial Relations, Seoul National University)
Park, Jisung (School of Business, Chungnam National University)
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Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society / v.19, no.11, 2018 , pp. 253-263 More about this Journal
This paper examined the U-shape curvilinear relationship between team level conflict management and individual level turnover intention by using exit-voice theory, bandwagon effect, and social loafing theory. In addition to the non-linear relationship between team-level conflict management and individual-level turnover intentions, we also examined how trust in leaders has a moderating effect on this relationship. The samples were collected from a South Korean manufacturing company with 331 team members from 48 teams and items were measured twice to avoid common method biases. The intercepts-as-outcomes model of hierarchical linear modelling was conducted to verify the hypothesis. Results supported the cross-level curvilinear hypothesis which indicated that employees' turnover intention sharply decreased if the activeness of group conflict management was small and increases slightly, but this tendency moderated as activeness increases. After passing the lowest point, their turnover intention increased in the end. However, the moderation effect of trust in leader on this relationship was not statistically significant and hypothesis 2 was rejected. This paper explained the effects of group dynamics of conflict management on individual turnover intention. Such evidence may elucidate the importance of managing the social loafing behavior on conflict management process. This paper examined the sequential, multi-level, and curvilinear relationship between conflict management and turnover intention. Organizations and managers will benefit from avoiding the human resource loss by managing the conflict management process.
Conflict Management; Curvilinearity; Exit-Voice Theory; Multi-level; Social Loafing; Turnover Intention;
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