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Characteristics of Pre-Service Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Anticipating Through the Task Dialogue Activity  

Kim, Ji Soo (Eunyeoul Middle School)
Lee, Soo Jin (Korea National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics / v.27, no.3, 2017 , pp. 511-536 More about this Journal
The present study aims to investigate ways in which pre-service secondary mathematics teachers anticipate 1) students' responses to specific mathematical tasks which are chosen or devised by the participating pre-service teachers as requiring students' higher cognitive demand and, 2) their roles as math teachers to scaffold students' mathematical thinking. To achieve the goal, we had our pre-service teachers to engage in an adapted version of Spangler & Hallman-Thrasher(2014)'s Task Dialogue writing activity whose focus was to develop pre-service elementary teachers' ability to orchestrate mathematical discussion. 14 pre-service teachers who were junior at the time enrolled in the Mathematics Teaching Method Course were subjects of the current study. In-depth analysis of both Task Dialogues which pre-service secondary mathematics teachers wrote and audiotapes of the group discussions while they wrote the dialogues suggests the following results: First, the pre-service secondary teachers anticipated how students would approach a task based on their own teaching experiences. Second, they were challenged not only to anticipate more than one correct students' responses but to generate questions for the predicted correct-responses to bring forth students' divergent thinking. Finally, although they were aware that students' knowledge should be the crucial element guiding their decision-making process in teaching, they tended to lower the cognitive demands of tasks by providing students with too much guidance which brought forth the use of procedural knowledge. The study contributes to the field as it provides insights as to what to attend in designing teacher education course whose goal is to provide a foundation for developing pre-service teachers' ability to effectively orchestrate mathematical discussion.
anticipating; pre-service secondary mathematics teachers; task dialogue;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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