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An Analysis on Conjecturing Tasks in Elementary School Mathematics Textbook: Focusing on Definitions and Properties of Quadrilaterals  

Park, JinHyeong (Myongji University)
Publication Information
Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics / v.27, no.3, 2017 , pp. 491-510 More about this Journal
This study analyzes on conjecturing tasks in elementary mathematics textbook. We adopted Peircean semiotic perspective and variation theory to analyze conjecturing tasks in elementary mathematics textbook. We specifically analyzed mathematical tasks designed to support students' inquiries into definitions and properties of quardrilaterals. As a result, we found that conjecturing tasks in textbooks do not focus on supporting students' diagrammatic reasoning and inductive verification on provisional abductions. These tasks were mainly designed to support students' conjecturing on commonalities of mathematical objects rather than differences between objects.
mathematics textbook; mathematical tasks;
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  • Reference
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