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A communicational approach to mathematical process appeared in a peer mentoring teaching method  

Choi, Sang-Ho (Korea University Graduate School)
Ha, Jeong-Mi (Gwangreung Middle School)
Kim, Dong-Joong (Korea University)
Publication Information
Communications of Mathematical Education / v.30, no.3, 2016 , pp. 375-392 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to provide a philosophical reflection on mathematical process consistently emphasized in our curriculum and to stress the importance of sharing creativity and its applicability to the mathematical process with the value of sharing and participation. For this purpose, we describe five stages of changing process in a peer mentoring teaching method conducted by a teacher who taught this method for 17 years with the goal of sharing creativity and examine components of mathematical process and their impact on it in each stage based on learning environment, learning process, and assessment. Results suggest that six principles should be underlined and considered for students to be actively involved in mathematical process. After analyzing changes in the five stages of the peer mentoring teaching method, the five principles scrutinized in mathematical process are the principles of continuous interactivity, contextual dependence, bidirectional development, teacher capability, and student participation. On the basis of these five principles, the principle of cooperative creativity is extracted from effective changes of mathematical process as a guiding force.
Changing stages in a peer mentoring teaching method; Sharing and participation; Mathematical process; Cooperative creativity;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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