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Principles for the Development of Mathematics Textbook for Decision-Making based on Storytelling  

Ju, Mi-Kyung (Hanyang University)
Park, Jung Sook (Taereung High School)
Oh, Hye Mi (Graduate School of Seoul National University)
Kim, Young Ki (Yangyang girl's middle school)
Park, Yun Gun (Yangjung High School)
Publication Information
Communications of Mathematical Education / v.27, no.3, 2013 , pp. 205-220 More about this Journal
In this research, in order to investigate the principles for the development of mathematics textbook for decision-making based on storytelling, we conceptualized the educational meaning of decision-making and specified the principles and the methods for the textbook based on decision-making. We illustrated the principles and the methods by the cases from the model textbook for the conditional probability that we have developed. We discussed the implication for the future development and implementation of mathematics textbook for decision-making based on storytelling.
Mathematics textbook based on storytelling; Decision-making; Conditional Probability;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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