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How To Teach The Quadratic Curves Through Historical Overview  

Jang, Mi-Ra (Jeonnam Middle School)
Kang, Soon-Ja (Department of Mathematics Education Chonnam National University)
Publication Information
Communications of Mathematical Education / v.24, no.3, 2010 , pp. 731-744 More about this Journal
Nowadays in school mathematics, the skill and method for solving problems are often emphasized in preference to the theoretical principles of mathematics. Students pay attention to how to make an equation mechanically before even understanding the meaning of the given problem. Furthermore they do not get to really know about the principle or theorem that were used to solve the problem, or the meaning of the answer that they have obtained. In contemporary textbooks the conic section such as circle, ellipse, parabola and hyperbola are introduced as the cross section of a cone. But they do not mention how conic section are connected with the quadratic equation or how these curves are related mutually. Students learn the quadratic equations of the conic sections introduced geometrically and are used to manipulating it algebraically through finding a focal point, vertex, and directrix of the cross section of a cone. But they are not familiar with relating these equations with the cross section of a cone. In this paper, we try to understand the quadratic curves better through the analysis of the discussion made in the process of the discovery and eventual development of the conic section and then seek for way to improve the teaching and learning methods of quadratic curves.
quadratic curves; conic section; ellipse; parabola; hyperbola;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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