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Elementary School Teachers' Beliefs of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice  

Colen, Jung (Pennsylvania State University)
Publication Information
Research in Mathematical Education / v.22, no.1, 2019 , pp. 47-82 More about this Journal
Pennsylvania is one of the states that adopted the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) and crafted its own standards (The PA Core State Standards). Pennsylvania teachers are required to have a clear understanding of the PA Core Standards. It is timely and appropriate to study Pennsylvania teachers' beliefs, as the standards have been adopted and implemented for several years since the revision of the PA Core Standards (2014). This study examined how eight western Pennsylvania elementary school teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics related to the SMP. To this end, I conducted an in-depth interview with each participating teacher. The in-depth interviews featured the teachers' overarching mathematical instructional goals and their productive beliefs. Furthermore, I linked these beliefs with the CCSSM Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMP).
Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMP); elementary school teachers; teacher beliefs; case study; in-depth interview;
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