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An Analysis on the pattern of questioning sentence - A case study for the newly appointed teachers -  

Kang, Wan (Seoul national university of education)
Chang, Yun-Young (Gang wol Elementary School)
Jeong, Seon-Hye (Haeng Hyun Elementary School)
Publication Information
Education of Primary School Mathematics / v.14, no.3, 2011 , pp. 293-302 More about this Journal
The objective of this study is to search the recognition of teacher on the pattern and characteristics of the questioning sentence of the newly appointed teachers for the mathematics class through the case study for the 2ndyear teachers. The study participants' class was recorded in video and individual interview was made for 4 times. The pattern of the questioning sentence in the observed class was analyzed using the classification frame with addition of creativity related items to the classification frame suggested by Mogan & Saxton(2006). The questioning sentence and recognition on the mathematics class for the newly appointed teachers were analyzed based on the individual meeting and class materials. In result, the questioning sentence for confirmation was most frequent (69%) and questioning sentence of understanding (25%) and the questioning sentence for introspection (6%) in its priority. It was known that the questioning sentence for extending the creativity didn't make it at all. It was revealed that the participant teachers in this study used the questioning sentence pattern for fact confirmation of the student most frequently and the use of the questioning sentence for accelerating the creative thinking of the student was lacked. In addition, the teachers recognized that they manage the class oriented to questioning sentence for obtaining the concept. It was known that the education for the questioning sentence which accelerates the creativity and other thinking as well as the fact confirmation pattern is necessary through the training for the new teachers in the future.
Questioning sentence; newly appointed teacher; mathematics class; creativity;
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