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A Review of Current Status and Analysis in Supply Chain Modeling  

Kang, Kyung Hwan (Department of Computer Science and Industrial System Engineering, Yonsei University)
Lee, ByungKi (Department of Computer Science and Industrial System Engineering, Yonsei University)
Lee, Young Hoon (Department of Computer Science and Industrial System Engineering, Yonsei University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers / v.30, no.3, 2004 , pp. 224-240 More about this Journal
Supply chain management(SCM) has been recognized as a major strategy in today's market place. A growing number of researchers have begun to realize the strategic importance of model construction, planning, controlling and operation for SCM. Also various researches of supply chain model building are going on. In this paper, we synthesis key elements of supply chain model such as performance factors, decision variables and constraints. We have reviewed past and present supply chain models and then analyzed those in view of environment factors, operations, solution approaches.
supply chain modeling; logistics; distribution; location/allocation;
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