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The Role of the University in the Innovation Ecosystem, and Implications for Science Cities and Science Parks: A Human Resource Development Approach  

Ferguson, David L. (Stony Brook University)
Fernandez, Ramon Emilio (Stony Brook University)
Publication Information
World Technopolis Review / v.4, no.3, 2015 , pp. 132-143 More about this Journal
In the 21st Century, scientific discovery and technological development are fueled by unprecedented changes in knowledge, societal needs and wants, engineering designs, materials, and instrumentation. Such rapid global changes pose major opportunities and challenges for the innovation ecosystem-especially in developing countries. In particular, our models for human resource development and engagement must evolve so as to better prepare leaders in higher education institutions, research institutes, science cities and science parks, businesses and industries, and governments. Universities throughout the world must play a greater role in both the research and practice of human resource development and engagement for the knowledge-based and creative economies. This paper explores the current and potential talent development and talent engagement dimensions of universities in economic development, and research and practice in education and policy-with implications of such dimensions for science cities/science parks. The paper highlights the importance of a greater role for universities, in collaborating with business/industry and governments, in examining new economics-sensitive and values-sensitive models for education and human resource development so as to better understand and support innovation in global contexts.
Innovation Ecosystem; Global Science and Technology Talent; Entrepreneurship; Human Resource Development; Science Cities; Science Parks; University;
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