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Current State of Social Commerce and its Growth Strategy  

Kim, A-Reum (Sunchon National Univ.)
Kim, Heaseon (Sunchon National Univ.)
Publication Information
Consumer Policy and Education Review / v.9, no.2, 2013 , pp. 99-121 More about this Journal
Social Commerce is a new form of an electronic commerce, which is integrated with Social Nework Service(SNS). It offers new business opportunities to firms and industries, and is rapidly growing with great ripple effects on economy, society, and culture. However, due to the rapid growth of the Social Commerce, there has been numerous problems related to it. For the Social Commerce to be utilized to its maximum capacity, these problems should be diagnosed, and more efforts should be put to find the solutions and its growth strategy. For invigoration of the Social Commerce, three main agents of economy should be faithful to their roles. Consumers need to follow guidelines to protect personal information and conduct information search and comparison to minimize consumer damage from misuse of the Social Commerce. Social Commerce firms need to actively deal with changes of technical environment and consumers' purchase patterns, and put efforts to invigorate by offering differentiated products and contents, establishing their brand awareness, and widening its users. Government needs to provide effective modifications of policies and also need to strengthen the information protection and cooperation structures among governmental policies. Futhermore, support plans to diffuse the Social Commerce user need to be provided.
Social Commerce; Social Network Service; Electronic Commerce; Solutions; Growth Strategy;
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  • Reference
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