Numerical Shape Optimization for Plate-Fin Type Heat Sink |
(조선이공대학 건축환경설비과)
박경우 (한양대학교 최적설계신기술연구센터) 최동훈 (한양대학교 최적설계신기술연구센터) |
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Three-dimen-sional numerical optimization of a manifold micro channel heat sink
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The influence of the thermal conductivity on the heat transfer performance in a heat sink
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Numberical and experimental studies of three-dimensional plate-fin and tube exchangers
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A tow-equation heat transfer model reflecting second-moment closures for wall and free turbulent flows
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Heat sinks with sloped plate fins in natural and forced convection
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High-performance heat sinking for VLSI
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Optimum design of plate heat exchanger with staggered pin arrays
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