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Endocrine Disruptors and Breast Cancer Risk - Time to Consider the Environment  

Abdel-Rahman, Wael M. (Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Sharjah)
Moustafa, Yasser M. (Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, Suez Canal University)
Ahmed, Bassamat O. (Department of Nursing, College of Health Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Sharjah)
Mostafa, Randa M. (Department of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Sharjah)
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Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention / v.13, no.12, 2012 , pp. 5937-5946 More about this Journal
The term endocrine disruptors is used to describe a variety of natural and manmade substances that have the capacity to potentially interfere with and modify the normal physiology of endocrine system either by mimicking, blocking or modulating the actions of natural endogenous hormones. The rising incidence of breast cancer over the last 50 years and the documented higher incidence in urban as compared to rural areas suggest a relationship to the introduction and increased use of xenoestrogens in our environment. The literature has developed over the last decades where initial experiments on endocrine disruptors did not support an involvement in breast cancer, and then evidence mounted implicating various environmental factors including hormones, endocrine disrupting chemicals and non-endocrine disrupting environmental carcinogens in the pathogenesis of breast cancer. Available data support the hypothesis that exposure to endocrine disruptors in utero leaves a signature on mammary gland morphogenesis so that the resulting dysgenic gland becomes more predisposed to develop tumors upon exposures to additional insults later on during life. Exceptionally, exposure to phytoestrogens could be beneficial to human health. Most of the available data are from well developed countries while the developing countries are still understudied regarding these issues. Here, we raise a note of caution about potential role of environmental toxins including endocrine disruptors in breast cancer development and call for serious measures to be taken by all involved parties in the developing world.
Bisphenol A; breast cancer; endocrine disruptors; estrogen; phytoestrogens; soy;
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