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The Effect of Service Employees'Emotional Intelligence on Service-Oriented OCB through Deep Acting  

Yang, Yinyan (Department of Business Administration Graduate School, Soongsil University)
Ahn, Hee-Kyu (Department of Business Administration Graduate School, Soongsil University)
Shin, Ho-Chul (College of Business Administration, Soongsil University)
Publication Information
Purpose: Although emotional intelligence(EI) is seemingly related to the service-oriented citizenship behaviors(OCB) of contact employees who are directly interacting with customers, there are only a few studies examining the relationship between the two. This study attempts to provide empirical evidence for a link between EI and service-oriented OCB. In addition, when EI affects service-oriented OCB, this present study identifies which emotional labor strategy between surface acting and deep acting is to be chosen. Methods: The data of EI, service-oriented OCB, surface acting, and deep acting were collected from 142 sales employees who provided services in four large domestic department stores. Hierarchical regression analyses were performed to verify empirically the main effects between EI and service-oriented OCB and mediating effects of emotional labor strategy. Results: The results show that EI is significantly related to service-oriented OCB in the current sample. Results also indicate that the deep acting rather than surface acting reveals a mediating effect in the process of EI affecting service-oriented OCB. Conclusion: The results of this study shows that EI which has a conceptual basis for OCB, can be extended to service-oriented OCB, The results also contribute to expanding the understanding of the relationship between EI and service-oriented OCB by testing the effect of EI on service-oriented OCB through deep acting. Theoretical and practical implications are reviewed, and limitations of the study and suggestions for future research are addressed.
emotional intelligence; service-oriented citizenship behavior; surface acting; deep acting;
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