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The Effect of Multiple Value Frames of IT Productivity on Business Performance  

Kang, Taeg-Yong (Dept. of Management Information System, Jinju International University)
Kwon, Do-Wan (John Molson School of Business, Concordia University)
Son, Eun-Il (Dept. of Management Information System, Jinju International University)
Publication Information
The ongoing debate over IT productivity has revealed paradoxical effects of IT. This study proposes that IT business value is paradoxical structured. IT impacts are not easy to generalize according to one perspective or paradigm. This study assumes multiplicity in the phenomenon of IT value and explores effects of these multiple interpretations. The study seeks to understand organizational performance. Hypotheses are developed to test the relationship between competing interpretations of IT value and organizational performance. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not senior managers perceive IT value on the basis of divergent managerial value frames.
IT Productivity; Business Performance; Productivity Paradox; IT value;
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