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The intermediate Effects of Control System on the Relationship between Quality Strategy and Performance  

김달곤 (경상대학교 경영대학)
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Normative theory suggests that control systems should be designed to complement management's objectives and strategies. However, few empirical studies have focused on how control systems have been modified to complement new manufacturing techniques, such as zero-defect strategy. The major purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the attributes of quality strategy and control system on performance. The previous studies have subdivided quality strategy into the ECL(economic conformance level) and ZD(zero-defect) strategy. To accomplish the purpose, this study empirically analysed the data based on the questionnaires from manufacturing department personnel of 67 Korean companies. The major results are as follows. The companies that had implemented the ZD strategy and its control system outperformed the companies that had implemented ECL strategy. Also, the ZD strategy differs from ECL strategy in control system, the criteria of performance evaluation and feedback frequence variable. There is no difference in quality performance monitoring and communication variable. From this results, although many companies have strived for continuous improvement of quality, it was restricted in improvement activities that dont's required much investment cost, quality performance monitoring and communication.
Prioritization; Interrelationship Digraph; Goal Programming;
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  • Reference
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