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Effect of Influencers' Product-Usage Videos upon Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention  

Yoon, Haeryong (하우저 서비스 기획팀)
Kim, Taeha (중앙대학교 경영경제대학 경영학부)
Nam, Seunghyeon (동양미래대학교 경영정보학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Information Technology Services / v.18, no.5, 2019 , pp. 1-16 More about this Journal
This work tries to empirically validate the effect of influencers' product-usage videos upon brand attitude and purchase intention of consumers. More specifically, we choose 3 attributes of product-usage videos of influencers such as expertise, trustworthiness, and attractiveness from our literature review. We collect 200 survey questionnaires in 2019 using Google survey forms from subjects who have watched influencers' usage videos of fashion items. Our results suggest that expertise and trustworthiness of influencers' videos positively affect brand attitude of consumers, which in turn positively influence their purchase intention. However, we have not found significant effect of attractiveness of the videos upon brand attitude. We also confirm that brand attitude positively affect purchase intention as proposed in the literature. The practical implications of this work is that firms should focus and strengthen expertise and trustworthiness of videos rather than attractiveness in order to enhance purchase intention of consumers and eventually lead to their purchase behavior.
Influencer; Video Attributes; Brand Attitude; Purchase Intention;
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