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Rational Leadership for the Middle East: A Multiple Competencies Model  

ALDULAIMI, Saeed Hameed (College of Administrative Sciences, Applied Science University (ASU))
Publication Information
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business / v.8, no.4, 2021 , pp. 687-697 More about this Journal
This study aims to address the prevailing skepticism that conventional leadership models are not effective in the Middle East. With the same logic, selecting leaders is a confusing task in the Middle East due to the haphazardness surrounding this task and the lack of clarity of appropriate selection criteria. This study employs samples of leadership theories and frameworks that were scrutinized to classify specific leadership dimensions. The triangular model stemmed from the previous studies that addressed Leadership in general and the Leadership model for the Middle East. With the use of the literature review methodologies and historical analysis, the leadership model's description will be demonstrated. The results revealed that there are various dimensions of Leadership, especially concerning the Middle East's organizational environment. The findings of this study suggested a new model which assists in clarifying the issue by setting a group of 10 personality traits with eight behavioral skills and social status. Implications of this study enable making Leadership easier in practice. Furthermore, this will enable recognition of Leadership according to specific criteria, which will help make greater equality and empowerment at all levels of the system. This research localizes Leadership and paves the way to automate leaders' selection process with a guarantee of fairness among candidates.
Leadership; Rational Leadership; Competencies; Middle East;
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