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The Effect of Supply Chain Management on Stakeholder Engagement: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia  

DARMASTUTI, Ismi (Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University)
GHOZALI, Imam (Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University)
DJASTUTI, Indi (Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University)
Publication Information
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business / v.8, no.4, 2021 , pp. 1013-1020 More about this Journal
This study examines the role of dynamic socio-emotional capabilities to increase proactive stakeholder engagement in family businesses. The research sample includes all furniture enterprises scattered in Jepara Regency sub-districts as many as 3,945 companies. The sampling in this research is purposive; as many as 210 respondents, 181 could be used. The sampling unit is the owners and managers, considering that most company owners are also company managers. This study examines how learning and supply chain management in the family business can be integrated to enable a set of resources and capabilities provided by the family to be developed to build closer relationships with stakeholders. The findings showed the importance of a family business's supply chain management perspective in the relationship between dynamic socio-emotional capabilities to mediate organizational learning to proactive stakeholder engagement significantly. Based on this study's results, companies can build dynamic socio-emotional capabilities through organizational learning to increase proactive stakeholder engagement. Dynamic socio-emotional capabilities proved to play a role as a mediator for organizational learning by family companies for proactive stakeholder engagement.
Organisational Learning; Supply Chain Management; Dynamic Socio-Emotional Capability; Proactive Stakeholder Engagement; Family Enterprise;
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