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The Impact of Social Media on Firm Value: A Case Study of Oil and Gas Firms in Indonesia  

NUR D.P., Emrinaldi (Department of Accounting, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Riau)
Publication Information
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business / v.8, no.3, 2021 , pp. 987-996 More about this Journal
The development of Internet technology can affect firm value through the use of social media by business people. Nowadays, social media affect businesses of all sizes in several different ways. Despite the various benefits obtained by using social media, research at the organizational level and its impact on business performance have not grown as fast as desired. This research aims to examine the effect of social media on oil and gas firms' value. The research sample consists of 9 oil and gas firms listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange 2013-2018. Social media proxies are firms' social media, other social media mentions, and social media sentiment. Firm value is measured by the market value to assets ratio. Data analysis uses a random-effect regression test. Based on the analysis, the social media account of a firm has a positive effect on firm value. It indicates that social media give advantages for oil and gas firms to give a signal of business prospect, make use of opportunities related to industry alliances, recruit employees globally, and c. On the other hand, the positive sentiment on social media has no effect on oil and gas firms' value.
Social Media; Firm Value; Indonesian Stock Exchange; Oil and Gas Industry;
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