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Understanding Career Optimism on Employee Engagement: Broaden-Built and Organizational Theory Perspective  

MAPPAMIRING, Mappamiring (Department of Management, STIEM Bongaya)
PUTRA, Aditya Halim Perdana Kusuma (Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management, Universitas Muslim Indonesia)
Publication Information
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business / v.8, no.2, 2021 , pp. 605-616 More about this Journal
Objectively, the purpose of this study aims to re-confirm and analyze the relationship between variables through direct relationships and mediation (i.e., career optimism (CO), organizational fairness (OF), organizational entrepreneurship commitment (OEC) on employee engagement). This study also addresses whether career optimism provides a strong-impact if it mediates other antecedent variables on employee engagement. Therefore, to test and prove this, we made observations on 200 samples comprising lecturers in Indonesia. The data collection method uses a survey both offline and online. Through the PLS-SEM approach, the statistical testing demonstration states that all hypotheses, either through direct relationship or mediation, are proven to have a positive and significant effect. Career optimism has also proven to be a substantial and positive contribution to testing employee engagement as a mediating variable. The results of seven hypothesis testing in our study confirm that the broaden-built theory and organizational theory are closely related. Therefore, this study positively contributes to human resource management's science to balance the psychological and organizational aspects. In this study, we also add that consistency and a positive attitude in a career trigger a person's career optimization in a better and more positive direction, especially for career-path and employee engagement.
Career Optimism; Organizational Fairness; Organizational Entrepreneurship Commitment; Employee Engagement; Broaden-Built Theory;
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