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Analysis of Farmer Behavior Based on Farmer Characteristics, Economic Conditions, and Number of Family Members  

HENDRAINI, Hamidah (Faculty of Agriculture, University of Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" East Java)
SOEDARTO, Teguh (Faculty of Agriculture, University of Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" East Java)
Publication Information
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business / v.8, no.2, 2021 , pp. 1225-1235 More about this Journal
This study aims to analyze the influence of farmer characteristics, Ihsan attitude, economic conditions, and socio-cultural environmental support, and the number of family members on farmer behavior in meeting food needs in realizing household food security, with the role of the government as a moderator. This study is about the relationship between farmer behavior and their household food security. This research uses a quantitative research method involving 337 farmers from three villages located in three different sub-districts, namely Alang-alang village, Tragah sub-district, Mrecah village, Tanah Merah sub-district, and finally Gangsean village, Sepulu sub-district. The quantitative analysis approach consists of formulating problems, compiling models, obtaining data, finding solutions, testing solutions, analyzing results, and interpreting results. From the 7 hypotheses that were built, it was identified that there was 1 hypothesis that was not significant, namely the influence of the support of the socio-cultural environment on farmer behavior to meet the food needs of farmers' households. The attitude that is identified is still very rarely used in the context of agricultural human resources and at the same time is an inherent character of Madurese farmers which is an interesting part for researchers to study more deeply and become new or authentic in this research.
Farmer Behavior; Household Food Security; Food;
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