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Injustice Perception and Work Alienation: Exploring the Mediating Role of Employee's Cynicism in Healthcare Sector  

DURRAH, Omar (Management Department, College of Commerce and Business Administration, Dhofar University)
Publication Information
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business / v.7, no.9, 2020 , pp. 811-824 More about this Journal
The aim of this study is to explore the effect of injustice perception on work alienation and the mediating role played by the employee's cynicism between injustice perception and work alienation in the healthcare sector in Oman. By utilizing a simple random sampling technique, data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of 306 nurses working in private healthcare providing organizations in Oman. The collected data was then analyzed using AMOS program through the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of study show that the levels of perception of injustice and cynicism of nurses in the private healthcare centers were low, while the work alienation was found to be at moderate level in these healthcare organizations. The findings of the empirical study reveal that injustice perception and employee's cynicism significantly affect work alienation. The impact of injustice perception in creating employee's cynicism was also observed. The hypothesis that the mediating role played by employee's cynicism in injustice perception and work alienation relationship was partially supported. Moreover, injustice perception and cynicism directly affect work alienation, therefore, these hospitals should consider organizational policies and procedures to achieve equality and justice among nursing personnel, and to eliminate the factors that cause cynicism and work alienation.
Healthcare Sector; Injustice Perception; Work Alienation; Employee's Cynicism; Sultanate of Oman;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 8  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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