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An Integrated Framework of Customer-based Brand Equity and Theory of Planned Behavior: A Meta-analysis Approach  

WU, Wann-Yih (College of Management, Nanhua University)
DO, Thi-Yen (Department of Business Administration, Nanhua University)
NGUYEN, Phuoc-Thien (Faculty of Economics-Management, Dong Nai Technology University)
ANRIDHO, Nadia (Department of Accountancy, Universitas Airlangga)
VU, Minh-Quan (International School, Vietnam National University)
Publication Information
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business / v.7, no.8, 2020 , pp. 371-381 More about this Journal
The objectives of this study are (1) to review previous studies in the context of brand management in consumer behaviors using costumer based brand equity (CBBE) and theory of planned behavior (TPB) as the basic foundation of the study; and (2) to develop a comprehensive research model by integrating relevant research constructs using meta-analysis. This study reviewed a total 173 studies from 58 published papers with 40 journals during 1991~2014 and developed a comprehensive framework with 16 research hypotheses. The results showed that (1) brand image, brand personality, brand association, and subjective norm are the important antecedents of brand attitudes; (2) brand awareness, brand trust, perceived quality, and perceived behavioral control are the important antecedents of brand loyalty; (3) brand attitude positively influences brand loyalty, which further influences brand equity; and (4) brand equity positively influences behavioral intention. This study fills in the research gap by integrating more research variables into CBBE model, particularly to include the influence of social context on consumer behavior through TPB. These results indicated that the integration between CBBE and TPB is meaningful and the comprehensive model can explain more variances than that of the individual model. Limitations, and recommendations for future research in this area are provided.
Customer-Based; Brand Equity; Planned Behavior Theory; Meta-Analysis;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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