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Key Factors Affecting Intention to Order Online Food Delivery (OFD)  

SAN, Sing Su (Lord Ashcroft International Business School, Anglia Ruskin University)
DASTANE, Omkar (Centre for Postgraduate Studies, School of Accounting, Business and management, FTMS College Malaysia)
Publication Information
The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / v.12, no.2, 2021 , pp. 19-27 More about this Journal
Purpose: This study investigated the impact of key factors such as service quality, perceived benefit and brand familiarity on a consumer's intention to order online food delivery (OFD). In addition, mediating effect of electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) between relationships among selected key variables and OFD purchase intention is also assessed. Research design, data and methodology: This explanatory, quantitative study employed convenience sampling and collected data through online structured questionnaire from 304 respondents who are users of OFD apps based in greater Klang valley region of Malaysia. The data was then subjected to normality and reliability assessment followed by confirmatory factor analysis, validity assessment and structural equation modelling using IBM SPSS AMOS 24.0. Results: Findings revealed that service quality, perceived benefits and brand familiarity affects purchase intention positively and significantly. Perceived benefits demonstrated highest impact on purchase intention followed by brand familiarity and service quality. Findings also suggest that e-WOM fully mediates relationship between brand familiarity and purchase intention, however, the same was not observed for remaining two variables. Conclusions: The study has enriched OFD literature by investigating impact of selected key factors on purchase intention in the context of OFD. Implications, limitations and future research avenues are then discussed.
Service Quality; Perceived Benefit; Brand Familiarity; E-word of mouth; Purchase Intention; Online Food Delivery;
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