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Factors Influencing Chinese Online Shopping Distributions of Fresh Agricultural Products  

WANG, Xue (Institution of Hangzhou Kaiyi Cultural Media)
ZHANG, Jun (Department of Global Business, Konkuk University)
Publication Information
Journal of Distribution Science / v.18, no.10, 2020 , pp. 53-64 More about this Journal
Purpose: With the emergence of high technology in China, online shopping distribution of fresh agricultural products have been developing rapidly. This study built a model to investigate how perceived quality of products and logistic services, perceived risk, and perceived cost affect intention to buy fresh agricultural products in an Internet environment. Especially, in the purchasing process, attitude may work as an important mediator. Research design, data and methodology: To achieve the objectives of this study, Chinese respondents were asked to fill in a questionnaire through the China online survey website. With 520 available data, regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. Results: Results indicate that perceived quality of fresh agriculture products and perceived logistics service quality have a significant positive impact on attitude and purchase intention. Results also reveal that perceived risk and perceived cost affect attitude and purchase intention negatively. Finally, results imply that attitude has a positive effect on purchase intention, which is the unique mediator in the online shopping process. Conclusions: This study suggests that managers in the online shopping distributions of fresh agricultural products should improve the quality of products and logistics services along with the reduction of the perceived risk and cost to compete in the China market.
Perceived Quality; Perceived Risk; Perceived Cost; Attitude; Purchase Intention;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 22  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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