A study on the "Ke Sou Lun" of 《Yi Guan》 of Zhao Xian Ke
조헌가(趙獻可)의 《의관(醫貫)》 중 해수론(咳嗽論)에 관한 연구(硏究)
Jung, Dong Hyuk
(Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate school of Wonkwang University)
Meang, Woongjae
(Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate school of Wonkwang University)
This study was done to research "Ke Sou Lun" of Yi Guan of Zhao Xian Ke. The results obtained as follows. 1) He suggested the treatment of chronic cough to strengthen 'Pitu' and 'Shenshui'. 2) He treated chronic cough patient without 'Qingjin' and 'Qinghuo' therapy that use cold herb. 3) We can strengthen 'Yang', after strengthen 'Zhenyin' in case of the chronic cough that contained 'Huo'.