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A Study on Properties of HTPB/AP/Al Propellant to Contents of Bonding Agents  

Lee, Youngwoo (Defence Agency for Technology and Quality)
Ha, Sura (Defence Agency for Technology and Quality)
Jang, Myungwook (Core Technical Quality Assurance Team, Daejeon Plant, Hanwha Corporation)
Kim, Taekyu (Core Technical Quality Assurance Team, Daejeon Plant, Hanwha Corporation)
Lee, Jungjoon (Core Technical Quality Assurance Team, Daejeon Plant, Hanwha Corporation)
Son, Hyunil (Core Technical Quality Assurance Team, Daejeon Plant, Hanwha Corporation)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion / v.22, no.3, 2017 , pp. 47-52 More about this Journal
The propellant tile and crack which account for the greatest proportion of solid rockets are profoundly affected by viscosity and mechanical properties of solid propellant. In this paper HTPB/AP/Al system propellant has been researched for the viscosity, mechanical properties and burning properties with type and contents of bonding agents. The viscosity of propellant was changed significantly depending on the type and contents of bonding agents, and mechanical properties of HTPB/AP/Al system propellant were also varied. Considering both lower viscosity and stable mechanical properties, the optimum type and contents of bonding agents can be identified as the main factors to the HTPB/AP/Al system propellant.
Solid propellants; Bonding agents; Viscosity; Mechanical property; Burning property;
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  • Reference
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