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Predicting the Oxidation Amount in the Catalyzed DPF according to the EGR Rate for the Off-road Engine  

Shin, Jaesik (Korea Automotive Technology Institute)
Kang, Jungho (Korea Automotive Technology Institute)
Ha, Hyrengsoo (Korea Automotive Technology Institute)
Jung, Haksup (Department of R&D Center, Kukje Machinery Company)
Pyo, Sukang (Department of R&D Center, Kukje Machinery Company)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion / v.21, no.3, 2016 , pp. 32-38 More about this Journal
This paper aims to predict oxidation amounts of catalyst and heat produced through passive regeneration on DPF according to different EGR rates and loads of off-road engines. Soot oxidation model and parameter assumption model were used for the test. Engine data were measureed with 25%, 50% and 75% of 1600 RPM loads and with 0% and 30% of EGR rates in order to estimate parameters. Oxygen levels calculated on the DPF downstream and oxygen levels measured were compared through all of the experimental conditions for validating the model. Oxidation rates on DPF according to different EGR rates and oxygen levels on the DPF downstream were estimateed successfully, which can be applied for off-road vehicles.
EGR; cDPF; Oxidation; Activation energy; Particulate matter;
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  • Reference
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