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A Study of Combustion Instability Mode according to the Variation of Combustor Length in Dual Swirl Gas Turbine Model Combustor  

Jang, Munseok (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Sunchon National University)
Lee, Keeman (School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sunchon National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion / v.21, no.2, 2016 , pp. 29-37 More about this Journal
This study described the experimental investigations of combustion instability in a model gas turbine combustor. Strong coupling between pressure oscillations and unsteady heat release excites a self-sustained acoustic wave, which results in a loud and annoyed sound, and may also lead to a structural damage to the combustion system. In this study, in order to examine the combustion instability phenomenon of a dual swirling combustor configuration, the information of heat release and pressure fluctuation period with respect to the variation in both thermal power and combustor length was collected experimentally. As a result, the fundamental acoustic frequency turned out to increase with the increasing thermal power without respect to the combustor length. The frequency response to the combustor length was found to have two distinct regimes. In a higher power regime the frequency significantly decreases with the combustor length, as it is expected from the resonance of gas column. However, in a lower power regime it is almost insensitive to the combustor length. This insensitive response might be a result of the beating phenomenon between the interacting pilot and main flames with different periods.
Gas turbine; Partial premixed combustion; Combustion instability; Thermo-acoustic instability; Longitudinal mode; Beating phenomenon;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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