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Engineering Control of Mill Fire for High Volatile Sub-bituminous Coal  

Keel, Sang-In (한국기계연구원 환경에너지기계연구본부)
Park, Ho-Young (한전전력연구원 그린에너지연구소)
Kim, Young-Joo (한전전력연구원 그린에너지연구소)
Youn, Sung-Hwan (북해도대학)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion / v.18, no.4, 2013 , pp. 53-58 More about this Journal
Lots of Coal power plants (about 30) using bituminous coals are being run in Korea. The use of high volatile low grade sub-bituminous coal is increasingly extended because of imbalance between the worldwide coal supply and demand. Mill-fire has been an important issue since the use of such sub-bituminous coal. In existing coal plants of Korea, shutdown of coal and air supplies could be only a way, and an alternative has not been found in suppressing the mill fire. The inside fowfield in the mills has a highly fuel-rich, low temperature, and high velocity and non-reactive such that it could be a nonreactive system essentially. Nevertheless, occasional fire-occurrence could be attributed to the existence of an ignition source. However it has not been so far investigated in detail. The current work has a focus on suppressing the mile fire via some parametric experimental study such as effects of temperature, residence time, ignition source, and inert gas mixing. The results show that an small amount of $CO_2$- or $N_2$-mixing with air is very effective in suppressing fire formation even at high temperatures or flying sparks. The results suggest that exhaust gas recirculation into the mill should be an alternative to suppress mill fire.
Mill; Sub-bituminous coal; Fire control; Exhaust gas recirculation;
Citations & Related Records
연도 인용수 순위
  • Reference
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2 Kinetic studies of gas evolution during pyrolysis of subbituminous coal, J. H. Campbell and D. R. Stephens, Lawrence Livermore Lab, U of California, Research Report.
3 Pulverized fuel system fires, Plant service bulletin, Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group.
4 Improvement of Coal-Fired Units at Lamma Power Station to Meet Tightened NOx Emission Limits and to Use a Wider Ranger of Coal, W. H. Leung, Hongkong Electric Company, 2010.
5 A Summary of Experiences Related to Achieving Optimum Pulverizer Performance and Fuel Line Balance, Innovative Combustion Technologies, Inc. Technical Report.
6 Improving PULVERIZER Output By Partial FLUE GAS Recirculation, National Power Training Institute of India, Chittatosh Bhattacharya, ICAER 2007.
7 Pulverizer Explosion suppression Systems, A Case Study, Greg Krieser, P. E., North Omaha Station, Electric Power 2006.