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Comparison of Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacity between Sasang Consititutions and ACE Gene Polymorphismn  

Seck, Dong-Sun (Department of Adapted exercise prescription, Kookmin University)
Park, Kyu-Jung (Department of Adapted socity physical education, Songwon University)
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Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science / v.3, no.2, 2015 , pp. 340-353 More about this Journal
Purpose. This study of purpose was to to compare of Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacity between Sasang Constitutions and ACE Gene Polymorphism. Methods. 24 healthy males were participated in this experiment who were in their twenties and had no disease, then they were divided by ACE type and by Sasang constitutions with QSCC II. According to these group, the body compositon, Aerobic capacity including VO2max, Anaerobic Capacity were measured. Results. In this study, According to ACE type, ID type were 8, II were 8 and DD type were 8 persons. According to ACE type, there were significant difference among type, especially, II, ID type more than DD. II type is more higher than any type and DD type is lower in the ratio of Blood Lactic recovery. DD type was more excellent than other type in Anaerobic power. According to Sasang Constitutions, there were 8 SoYang, 5 Taeum, 11 Soeum and then no TaeYang constitution. In Aerobic capacity, Taeum constitution had significantly high means and Anaerobic threshold. In the ratio of Blood lactic recovery, Taeum constitution was excellent and SoYang had poor recovery capacity. SoYang had more excellent than other constitution significantly in Anaerobic capacity. Comparing ACE type with Sasang constitution, Soyang constitution included 4 ID types, Taeum inclued 2 II types and 2 ID types then Soeum included 6 DD types. Compared of Aerobic and Anaerobic capacity between Sasang constitutions and ACE type, Soyang constitutions were similar to ID type, Taeum similar to II type and ID type and then Soeum were DD type. Conclusions. This study had made it clear that there were similar feature between ACE type and Sasang constitutions. Also it's possible to predict the Aerobic capacity that may be foreseen by ACE type with Sasang questionnaire method but not Anaerobic capacity.
ACE Gen Polymorphism; Aerobic Capacity; Anaerobic Capacity; Sasang Consititutions; VO2max;
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