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Jin JH, Hwang DS. A study on peer relationship of the mainstramed handicapped chilren in regular classrooms. Journal of special education and rehabilitation, 1999;4(1):43-90.
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Rhee EK. Effects of aquatic activity a therapeutic recreation on motor ability and social ability in chilren with autism. Unpublished mater's thesis, Ewha Womans University, 2001.
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Schaefer. C. E. Meaning of the concept of play therapy. languages Hearing Centre of Ewha Womans University, 1995.
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Kim SL. Effects of structured group play therapy on the social skills of mentally retarded adolescents. Unpublished mater's thesis, Daegu university, 2000.
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Son HC. Effects of structured group play therapy on the peer modelings of retared infants. Unpublished mater's thesis, Daegu university, 2001.
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Sweeny DS, Homeyer LE. The handbook of group play therapy: how to do it, how it works, whom it's best for. California Jossey-Bass Inc. 1999.
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O'connor K. Ecosystemic playtherapy. International Journal of Play Therapy 2001;10(2):33-44.
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Choi KH. A case study through the structured group therapy using reading activities : focused on the self-esteem of the children of divorced. Unpublished mater's thesis, Daegu university, 2001.
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Kim KW, Yoo MS, Yoo JR. Play therapy, Seoul, HJS Books. 2004.
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Shin SJ. Promotion of children's self-esteem and sociality through group theraplay program. Unpublished mater's thesis, Sookmyeng women's university, 2003.
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Rhee HH. The effect of group theraplay program on of broken home children's self-esteem improvement. Unpublished mater's thesis, Myougji university, 2003.
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Rhee TY. A study on the construction and effectiveness of the developmental program for social competences of young children. Unpublished mater's thesis, Seoul women's university, 2000.
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Kim HJ. Validation of the Social Skill of Rating Scale(SSRS). Unpublished mater's thesis, Daegu university, 1996.
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Oh YA. The effects of group theraplay on social interaction behaviors of children with autism. Unpublished mater's thesis, Duksung women university, 2004.
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Yoon CY. A Normative Study of Korean Social Skill Inventory for Preschoolers. Journal of emotion & behavior disorders, 2008;24(2):157-173.
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Kim SJ. The effects of a social-skills training program on sociability of elementary school students. Unpublished mater's thesis, KyungBuk university, 2009.
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Ha YR. Effects of social-emotional competence program utilizing group play therapy for young children on prosociality, teacher-child relation and peer competence. Korean association of child studies, 2009;30(5):57-72.
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Rhee SY, et al. Elementary school guidance and counseling, Seoul, KY Books. 2003.
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Rhee SM. Effect of group play therapy on adaptive level to school and peer acceptance of school maladjustment children. Unpublished mater's thesis, Myougji university, 2009.
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Yoo YS. A Study of the effect of the group play therapy on the unstably attached children's attachment stability, self-esteem, and the sociality promotion. Unpublished mater's thesis, Seoul venture university, 2009.
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Kwon JH. A study on the propensity to interpersonal relations and the strategies of conflict resolutions of adolescents with community estrange-ment. Unpublished mater's thesis, Seoul women university, 2004.