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Effect of Functional Ankle Instability and Surgical Treatment on Dynamic Postural Stability and Leg Stiffness Variables during Vertical-Drop Landing  

Jeon, Kyoung Kyu (Sport Science Institute, College of Arts and Physical Education, Incheon National University)
Kim, Kew Wan (Division of Sport Science, College of Arts and Physical Education, Incheon National University)
Ryew, Che Cheong (Department of Kinesiology, College of Natural Science, Jeju National University, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province)
Hyun, Seung Hyun (Department of Kinesiology, College of Natural Science, Jeju National University, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics / v.28, no.2, 2018 , pp. 135-141 More about this Journal
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of functional ankle instability (FAI) and surgical treatment (ST) on postural stability and leg stiffness during vertical-drop landing. Method: A total of 21 men participated in this study (normal [NOR]: 7, FAI: 7, ST: 7). We estimated dimensionless leg stiffness as the ratio of the peak vertical ground reaction force and the change in stance-phase leg length. Leg length was calculated as the distance from the center of the pelvis to the center of pressure under the foot. Furthermore, the analyzed variables included the loading rate and the dynamic postural stability index (DPSI; medial-lateral [ML], anterior-posterior [AP], and vertical [V]) in the initial contact phase. Results: The dimensionless leg stiffness in the FAI group was higher than that of the NOR group and the ST group (p = .018). This result may be due to a smaller change in stance-phase leg length (p = .001). DPSI (ML, AP, and V) and loading rate did not show differences according to the types of ankle instability during drop landing (p > .05). Conclusion: This study suggested that the dimensionless leg stiffness was within the normal range in the ST group, whereas it was increased by the stiffness of the legs rather than the peak vertical force during vertical-drop landing in the FAI group. Identifying these potential differences may enable clinicians to assess ankle instability and design rehabilitation protocols specific for the impairment.
Vertical-drop landing; Leg stiffness; Loading rate; Postural stability;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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