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Effects of Skill Level and Feet Width on Kinematic and Kinetic Variables during Jump Rope Single Under  

Jang, Kyeong Hui (Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Dong-A University)
Son, Min Ji (Department of Medicine, Graduate School of Dong-A University)
Kim, Dae Young (Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Dong-A University)
Lee, Myeoung Gon (Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Dong-A University)
Kim, You Kyung (Department of Taekwondo, Graduate School of Dong-A University)
Kim, Jin Hee (Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Dong-A University)
Youm, Chang Hong (Department of Health Care and Science, College of Health Sciences, Dong-A University)
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Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics / v.27, no.2, 2017 , pp. 99-108 More about this Journal
Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of skill level and width between feet on kinematic and kinetic variables during jump rope single under with both feet. Method: Fifteen subjects in the skilled group (age: $10.85{\pm}0.40yrs$, height: $142.13{\pm}5.41cm$, weight: $36.97{\pm}6.65kg$) and 15 subjects in the unskilled group (age: $10.85{\pm}0.40yrs$, height: $143.31{\pm}5.54cm$, weight: $40.81{\pm}10.39kg$) participated in this study. Results: Participants in the skilled group minimized the anteroposterior displacement of their center of mass by modifying the width between their feet and decreased the range of motion (ROM) of their trunk in the sagittal plane. The preferred width during the jump rope decreased by 5.61~6.11 cm (32~37%) in comparison to width during static standing. The induced width was increased by 16.44~16.67 cm (82~85%), regardless of skill level. The kinematic variables of the left and right legs of members of the unskilled group were significantly different from those of members in the skilled group regarding the ROM of the hip, knee, and ankle joint. Otherwise, the members of the skilled group were consistent in terms of the kinematic variables of the right and left legs. Conclusion: The preferred width between feet during the jump rope was found to be beneficial for maintaining dynamic stability. The unskilled group exhibited asymmetry in left and right motion within the ranges of motion of the ankle, knee, and hip joints, regardless of the width. Therefore, long-term accurate jump rope motions will contribute to an improvement in the left and right imbalances of the entire body.
Jump; Kinematics; Kinetic; Feet width; Balance; Landing;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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