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Biomechanical Analysis for the Development of Windlass Mechanism for Trail-walking Shoe  

Park, Jong-Jin (Division of Sport & Health Science, College of Arts, University of Kyungsung)
Park, Seung-Bum (Footwear Biomechanics Team, Footwear Industrial Promotion Center, Busan Economic Promotion Agency)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics / v.25, no.4, 2015 , pp. 489-498 More about this Journal
Objective : The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of the windlass mechanism in trail-walking shoe prototypes that can effectively support arches. A study of these effects should help with the development of a first-rate trail-walking shoe development guide for the distribution of quality information to consumers. Methods : The subjects were ten adult males who volunteered to participate in the study. Shoes from three companies, which will be referred to as Company S (Type A), Company M (Type B), and Company P (Type C), were selected for the experiment. The subjects wore these shoes and walked at a speed of 4.2 km/h, and as they tested each shoe, the contact area, maximum pressure average, and surface force were all measured. Results : Shoe Type A showed a contact area of $148.78{\pm}4.31cm^2$, Type B showed an area of $145.74{\pm}4.1cm^2$, and Type C showed an area of $143.37{\pm}4.57cm^2$ (p<.01). Shoe Type A demonstrated a maximum average pressure of $80.80{\pm}9.92kPa$, Type B an average of $85.72{\pm}11.01kPa$, and Type C an average of $89.12{\pm}10.88bkPa$ (p<.05). Shoe Type A showed a ground reaction force of $1.13{\pm}0.06%BW$, Type B a force of $1.16{\pm}0.04%BW$, and Type C a force of $1.16{\pm}0.03%BW$ (p<.05). Conclusion : The Type A trail-walking shoe, which was designed with a wide arch from the center of the forefoot to the front of the rearfoot showed excellent performance, however, more development and analysis of the windlass mechanism for a variety of arch structures is still necessary.
Ground Reaction Force; Foot Pressure; Windlass Mechanism; Arch Support; Trail Walking Shoes;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 7  (Citation Analysis)
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