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Analysis of the Characteristics of Ground Reaction Force According to the Level of Knee Osteoarthritis During Gait  

Lee, Kyung-Ill (Department of Physical Education, College of Physical Education, Chosun University)
Lee, Chul-Gab (Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, School of Medicine, Chosun University)
Hong, Wan-Ki (Department of Physical Education, College of Physical Education, Chosun University)
Kim, Min (Department of Physical Education, College of Physical Education, Chosun University)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics / v.25, no.4, 2015 , pp. 393-399 More about this Journal
Objective : This study was conducted with an aim to use it as basic data for developing assistive devices, such as insoles that can suppress the progress of degenerative diseases and strategies, to improve early degenerative diseases by assessing walking characteristics of farm workers who were classified as KL-grade in the perspective of motor mechanics. Method : 38 male and female adults who complained of knee joint pain for more than six months were selected, and they were classified according to KL-grade. KL-grade was assessed by an orthopaedic specialist and an occupational environment health specialist. Filming equipment (FX-1, CASIO, Japan) and a ground reaction force system (AMTI OR6, AMTI, USA) were used to identify ground reaction force characteristics, and WOMAC was used for a pain rating scale. Results : There was a difference between the right and left side (axis-X) according to KL-grade, and when the grade was higher, the internal ground reaction force was also higher. Changes in COP were not affected by KL-grade of the knee joint, but it tended to increase as the grade increased. There were differences in the time required for limb support while walking according to the grades, and when the grade was higher, walking was more inefficient with long braking force and short propulsion forces. Also, pain rating scale, the right and left side, and COP changes while in support phase were related. Conclusion : There was a partial, statically significant difference in KL-grade and ground reaction force occurring during the support phase, and there were differences in ground reaction forces according to the grades of degenerative arthritis in the knee joint, indicating that this study is worthy as basic data for future studies.
KL-grade; GRF; Osteoarthritis; Stability;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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