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Biomechanical Analysis of Wearing Carbon Nanotube-Based Insole during Drop Landing  

Chae, Woen-Sik (Department of Physical Education, College of Education, Kyungpook National University)
Jung, Jae-Hu (Department of Physical Education, Graduate School of Kyungpook National University)
Lee, Haeng-Seob (Department of Physical Education, Graduate School of Kyungpook National University)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics / v.22, no.4, 2012 , pp. 429-435 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to determine the biomechanical effect of wearing carbon nanotube-based insole on cushioning and muscle tuning during drop landing. Twenty male university students(age: $21.2{\pm}1.5yrs$, height: $175.4{\pm}4.7cm$, weight: $70.2{\pm}5.8kg$) who have no musculoskeletal disorder were recruited as the subjects. Average axial strain, average shear strain, inversion angle, linear velocity, angular velocity, vertical GRF and loading rate were determined for each trial. For each dependent variable, a one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) with repeated measures was performed to test if significant difference existed among different three conditions(p<.05). The results showed that Average axial strain of line 4 was significantly less in CNT compared with EVA and PU during IP phase. The average shear strain was less in CNT compared with EVA and PU during other phases. The inversion angle was increased in CNT compared with EVA and PU during all phase. In linear velocity, angular velocity, vertical GRF and loading rate, there were no significant difference between the three groups. This result seems that fine particle of carbon nanotube couldn't make geometric form which can absolve impact force by increasing density through eliminating voids of forms. Thus, searching for methods that keep voids of forms may play a pivotal role in developing of insole. This has led to suggestions of the need for further biomechanical analysis to these factors.
Carbon Nanotube; Drop Landing; Strain; Sports Injury;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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