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The Effect of Visual & Cognitive Information of Landing Height on Landing Strategy during Drop Landing  

Eun, Seon-Deok (Korea National Rehabilitation Research Institute)
Yang, Jong-Hyun (Department of Physical Education, College of Education, Seoul National University)
Kim, Yong-Woon (Department of Physical Education, College of Education, Kyungnam University)
Kang, Myeong-Soo (Department of Physical Education, College of Education, Seoul National University)
Kwak, Chang-Soo (Department of Physical Education, College of Natural Sciences, Hallym University)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics / v.22, no.4, 2012 , pp. 405-411 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of landing height information on landing strategy during a drop landing. Ten healthy male subjects(age: $22.1{\pm}1.9year$, height: $178.4{\pm}7.8cm$, mass: $75.3{\pm}9.4kg$) participated in this study. Each participant was asked to jump with both legs off a 40 cm high box on one of the three plates with different thickness (0 cm, 13 cm, 26 cm). In the first condition, subjects were given both cognitive and visual information about the jumping heights. In the second, they were given only cognitive information without visual one, and in the third, no information about the height was provided to subjects. (Only the data collected from the 40 cm height landing were analyzed and reported in the present study.) The results showed that landing strategies during a double-leg drop landing from 40 cm height were not significantly affected by visual and cognitive information blockages. Also, there were no statistically significant differences in landing strategies between the three conditions even though the mean differences attained in this study seemed to warrant further studies investigating the relationship between landing strategies and cognitive information.
Drop Landing; Landing Strategy; Visual Information; Cognitive Information;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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